Tuesday, April 10, 2007

More Quotations...

"Every woman is in some way searching for or running away from her beauty and every man is looking for or avoiding his strength. Why? In some deep place within, we remember what we were made to be, we carry with us the memory of gods, image-bearers walking in the Garden. So why do we flee our essence? As hard as it may be for us to see our sin, it is far harder still for us to remember our glory." - Brent Curtis

I feel like it is far easier for me not to think of the glory you hold in who you are, because then I don't have to be disappointed when our engagement with each other is much less than glorious. When I really don't like who you are, it is much easier to say that you don't hold much value than to take responsibility for the ways we have disconnected. Contempt for you is so much easier than mourning what has not happened.

To truly know and believe in the glory you hold calls me to pursue that part of you, to love you in a way that calls both of us out of our hiding, where we have to decide whether to show our face or not.

How many times I have written off and been written off by others as uninteresting or inconsequential. To feel the depth of glory in every human being calls me to continue to pursue you, because I know that underneath my assumptions of who you are there is so much more. There is enough beauty and creativity and sweetness and strength in your heart to deeply move and shake mine. How hard is it to know that when we don't like each other! Assumptions are much easier to live in than glory.

And it is far easier to think of what is than what we were made to be.

1 comment:

Lynn V. Jones said...

wow, so true Michael. You challenge me....:-)