Monday, November 27, 2006

Creative Perfection

Listening to a new artist, Joshua Radin, whose music caught my attention right away.

The thing that got me the most is the way his voice moves with the rhythm of the song (I would say in particular his song Winter). It shifts and sways in a captivatingly smooth conduct. Such a way that you feel he is singing it the exact way it should be sung, as if the song was inspired, like he is awakening something, bringing life to something in the very way it was supposed to be, expressing a beauty that is already written, waiting to be given life.

We have the ability to give life to things in song, give life to the things that God is waiting for us to create, to do so in a way that it feels as though the words and rhythms are said the exact way they were supposed to be. This composing creates a holy, sacred sound.

And that is what Joshua does. The way his songs travel, the way they move, so effortless, it seems as though he is bringing to life something the amazingly beautiful and creative way it was supposed to be given life. It is creative perfection. It is awakening, giving expression, a revelation of the beauty of God.

1 comment:

nathania tenwolde said...


Whenever (if ever) you doubt your abilities to tell stories or to be verbally (or in any way) expressive, please do yourself a favor and read this blog to yourself.

Its elegance and poetry radiates.

While I have not known you long, I see a clarity of expression that rings of truth and passion. It's missing any protective hesitancy that perhaps has kept you from telling your stories.

And most of all, I want to hear this man sing.*Nate