Monday, October 20, 2008


(not the real video, just using it for the song)

I know little about speaking in tongues, but it came up after church the other day. Whether or not I agreed with it, the conversation moved towards what it possibly could be. That is, the times when you feel so deeply moved that waiting for the full articulation of words seems like an inconsequential need to the weight of the moment. Instead what flows is the candid, unfiltered, spontaneously passionate language of the heart. As if the use of words breaks down at this level of being, this depth of existence. They melt away and all we have left is this spirit, pulsing with the purest form of life, of being, of what is true. It is here that spirits communicate. In spirit language.

I was listening to the new Sigur Ros album and came across the song Festival. Then it hit me: this is what speaking in tongues should be. The song was doing exactly what I was talking about a week ago. It got in me. It made me weak. Cutting through the familiar surface of words. I had no defenses for this level of engagement. My lack of understanding of what was being said compelled me to an understanding no words could convey. They would simply stifle, box in, limit this level of beauty. Ineffable beauty.

Lifting, moving, heightening, softening, inflecting sound the only medium that can express what is and what always will be, forever unchanged but always changing so that it may never be chained, love so deep and wide and full that it can only be known in knowing its being. This song captures that being, that Spirit. I should say, it captures it in letting it be what it is and always will be; free.

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