Tuesday, December 19, 2006

In a Nutshell

Thoughts at the end of a full, long, emotionally exhausting, disrupting and beautiful semester:

Being a part of a community of people for any extended period of time is an arduous journey and at the same time everything I desire.

God will use those who 'dont know' to teach those who 'know.’

Truth is relational (but not relative).

Modernism is not the enemy, and neither is postmodernism. They are simply the ways things are (or were), and each are both healthy and unhealthy lenses used to draw meaning.

I don’t bring my full presence when I meet you –I don’t know if you or I can handle that – or can we?

How do I live out the gospel in the midst of preaching it so passionately to you?

Transformation does not happen through information, but by encounter. People will not change by nice sayings and theory, but through experience, through engagement.

People come into therapy for a solution to their problem. We are to be involved in a process of translating the human heart into the language of the Gospel. This is not for me to simply say ‘God is good’ but to create a living experience of this truth with them.

A rough run in relationships for the past 5 years has made me want to give up hope - just in time came faith, hope, and love, and I guess I’m supposed to keep at it…hooray for hope.

“Father sing me into feeling.”

My heart frightens me in its deceitfulness and amazes me in its desire.

Spiegel im spiegel

Language. Writing. Being able to hold all that could and had to happen.

Snow on the ground = four hour gridlock.

My cash-flow is not ideal at the moment.

Life is not ideal. Changing a tire in the pouring rain in the middle of rush hour traffic on the last day of class…not ideal.

I have been blessed by the entrance of some people into my life. The unpredictability of a God that surprises us with something that is sweet, where for a moment, the true fullness of ‘taste and see that the Lord is good’ is felt. That is a blessing, and I am thankful.

I am continually drawn into repentance, my knees to the floor, by one thing: beauty.


Nick Warnes said...

I see a future of high sales in bumper stickers! I loved those lines and will be reading them again. Have a great time in Michigan Michael!

calebyoungblood said...


Great post! I loved reading what you learned...they are great truths. Thank you for the insight! Have a good holiday.


Anonymous said...

Transformation does not happen through information, but by encounter. People will not change by nice sayings and theory, but through experience, through engagement.

I thought you should know that in reading that particular "lesson", even though its something simple, I have been enlightened. A little realization that will help.

By the way, Hi, my names Laura and I'm your brother Matthews wifes cousin. Just so you know : )