...get closer to that story - the story that is the story of all stories - it is the best story - it is the worst story - it is THE story - it is the story that is uniquely yours, that only you can tell - that in your telling you share in the story that encompasses all stories - the story of God - it is not whether or not it is a good story - it is whether or not you dare to tell it - evil hates the real story - evil fabricates - evil distorts - evil hides - evil lies - evil trembles when you begin to tell the truth, because you are at the center of the truth, because Christ is at the center of the truth
come - let us tell the stories that haunt us with their darkness - come - let us tell them in the light, that we may not bear the burden, that we may not bear the weight on our own - one should never have to tell their story alone
come with me into the light, i have a story i've been wanting to tell...
9 years ago