Thursday, April 24, 2008

Beard Man

Yep, I got a beard. I think it's pretty cool. It just crept up on me, no plan, just took it day by day, and each day said I would give it another. And there ya go.

Not gonna lie though, its starting to drive me nuts. Definitely not used to this much hair on my face. I may break down soon.

But we'll see, I mean I do enjoy it and feel old, a distinguished old, like I know what I'm talking about kind of old, not a beer belly old.

Ok enough beard talk. If I end up working just the stash for a day I will post that look for sure.



Matthew said...

shocked by the beard, but maybe more by the hairstyle

Unknown said...

Kind of glad that Matthew warned me! But ,of course, you look very distinguished.

Unknown said...

very nice..when I showed Anna she said "Ahhhh he needs to shave that off!"

Unknown said...

Hey Big Ben!
Love the beard - with that look in the picture...ya kinda scare me...and don't let our little Anna influence you. If anything keep the stash and then the fu man chu part underneath the middle of the lips.

Unknown said...

The last comment from your loving Bro-In-Law

Michael said...

loving the comments! will post some of the stages that led to the final stash soon.

Anonymous said...

bottom left is my fave. beard man... sounds like a superhero.